4 Times to Say “We’re Good” [เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ in English]

พวกเราคุ้นเคยกันดีอยู่แล้วกับประโยคยอดฮิตอย่าง “We’re good.” ซึ่งเป็นประโยคที่เราใช้ตอบว่า สบายดี ประโยคนี้เรียกได้ว่าเป็นประโยคแรกๆ ที่เราเรียนรู้กันในบทสนทนาภาษาอังกฤษ แต่ในชีวิตประจำวันเราสามารถใช้ We’re good. ในบริบทอื่นๆ ได้อีก ใช้กับอะไรได้บ้างมาหาคำตอบจากบทความนี้กันเลยค่ะ ระดับความยาก: 1

Today let’s take a closer look at the expression “We’re good.” It’s 3 words — “we are good” — squeezed into 2 words. (And sometimes seen even more slang-y as “We good.”) Separately the words are familiar to all of us and easy to understand.

Sounds familiar

It might remind you of one of the first things you learn in English. (Actually it’s one of the first things you learn in most languages.) Which is:

  • Question: “How are you?” Answer: “I’m fine.”

In this situation, you could answer “I’m good” and it would mean basically the same thing.

  • Question: “How are you?” Answer: “I’m good.”

More importantly to know, it’s a common response and doesn’t sound weird.

Try it!

I really like “We’re good” because you can say a lot in just two words. Depending on the context, it’s more than just a way to say “I’m fine” / “we’re fine”. Plus you can say it fast and it sounds cool. Here are 4 common ways you could answer a question with “We’re good.”

In a restaurant

A server comes to your table during dinner and asks: “Would you like some more water? Or fish sauce?”

You say: “We’re good.” (If you’re alone: “I’m good.”)

You mean: We don’t need anything right now.

A question about your relationship

You have an aunt who lives in another city, and you speak to her by phone occasionally. She asks about you and your wife, Nampeung: “How are things with Nampeung?”

You say: “We’re good.”

You mean: “Everything is fine.” / “We’re happy.” / “No problems to mention.”

After a fight

You have an argument with your brother. You’re both quite angry, but he apologises, which makes you feel better. He gives you his hand to shake and asks, “Are we good?”

You say: “We’re good.”

You mean: “I’m not angry anymore.” / “I accept your apology.” / “Everything is back to normal.”

In another restaurant

Your classmates meet for dinner. It’s time to pay, and you are collecting money from everyone. One of your friends, Noi, asks, “Is that enough?”

You say: “We’re good.”

You mean: “The bill is settled.” / “No need for anyone to put in more money.” / “We’re done.”


  • context (n) บริบท, See also: ข้อความแวดล้อมที่ช่วยในการเข้าใจความหมาย
  • argument (n) การโต้แย้ง, การแย้ง, การโต้เถียง
  • settle (vt) แก้ปัญหา, จ่ายหนี้, ชำระเงิน, ปิดบัญชี

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